

Job search and career advice

In Djøf we have a lot of knowledge on how to approach job search in the Danish labour market. Call us for more information or find useful advice on the entire job search process including help identifying your skills, tuning your LinkedIn profile or input on how to write a good CV or cover letter.

Finding jobs in Denmark

Whether you’re looking to come to Denmark to work or you’re already working here and are looking to find another job, it’s important to understand how the job-search process works here.

Most positions are only advertised on-line, and most job boards offer an option to create an agent, so you receive notice of relevant openings on a regular basis.

If you don’t speak Danish, your search will be limited to companies that use a language you speak as their working language. If a job ad is in Danish, expect that some level of Danish proficiency is required. A good rule of thumb is that you should write your CV and cover letter in the same language as the job ad. 

There are a number of CV databases that employers can search when they are looking to fill a position. Some of the most widely used in Denmark are:

Jobunivers.dk is Djøf’s job board and lists only positions for professionals and university graduates in positions typically held by Djøf members: law, finance, communications, political science,management and business. Some of the postings on jobunivers.dk are not found on other Danish job boards.
Jobindex is Denmark’s largest job board. Think of it as a search engine for jobs that crawls more than 500 Danish job boards. That makes it a valuable first stop for most job seekers, regardless of their educational level, job skills or employment status.
Workindenmark.dk is Denmark’s official website for international recruitment and a job board for those interested in working in Denmark. Job seekers can search for jobs, upload a CV and find information about working here.
The European Employment Service (Eures) is the European job mobility portal, helping to match employers and job seekers at the EU level. The Eures website includes a job board, CV database and information in German and English about working in Denmark, including information about the Danish labour market, salary levels, how to search for a job and how to obtain residency and work permits.
Jobnet is the website and job board run by the network of municipal employment offices. Each council has at least one jobcenter, which is responsible for providing employment services to the unemployed. In addition to contributing to a national on-line job database, each jobcenter offers personal counselling and general information about the Danish labour market, as well as public access to computers.
Graduateland is a career platform for students and recent graduates. In addition to maintaining a job board with full and part-time openings throughout Europe, Graduateland provides information about graduate programmes, internships, firms that allow you to work and earn academic credit and other career opportunities. Graduateland partners with European universities.

Companies announce vacancies on their websites and on their LinkedIn profiles. If there is a company you would like to work for, it is a good idea to follow it on LinkedIn. Also keep in mind that LinkedIn has its own job board that can send you regular updates about openings that match your profile. Finally, remember to set your profile to inform recruiters that you are open for opportunities. (The information won’t be shared publicly with your connections.)

If you are going to use LinkedIn to search for jobs, it’s a good idea to make sure your profile is in order first. Our seven-step guide to a good LinkedIn profile is a good place to start.

Know your skills

Know your skills

Your job search is most likely to pay off if you know what you can offer. Your professional and personal competencies are what will get you through the door to an employer. Know your key competencies and learn how to communicate them.



Your photo will work best if it is professional and trimmed close to your face. Your background photo should support and reflect your qualifications and professional identity.


You have 120 characters to summarise your skills in key words or describe what you can offer a prospective employer, e.g.:

  • Controller at Batruam A/S | Accounting | Controlling | Financial control | Project management | Financial systems
  • Result-driven controller who creates business calm through project management and financial control.


Explain what your work experience and education can contribute to a company, and which positions you can occupy. The first two lines are particularly central, as they are always visible on your profile. Be concise, precise and personal – as you would when presenting yourself to a new relation.

Experience and education

Describe work tasks for each of your previous jobs. By all means use bullets, and upload sample projects, presentations or videos that demonstrate your professional talents. Add courses that are most important for the jobs you would like to seek.


Add your ten most important skills. These are what will inspire companies searching on LinkedIn to contact you.


Invite managers, colleagues and lecturers to write short recommendations based on your jobs, internships and courses.

Be active

Your activity is as important as your profile itself. Post updates, comment on articles, and ‘like’ news items in your professional area. This shows people you are enthusiastic and keep up-to-date in your area.

CV, cover letter, and feedback

See examples of CV and cover letters that work, get advice on how to compose an unsolicited application and where you can go to for feedback.

CV and cover letter

Get a good grip on how to write a good CV and a cover letter the Danish way. Check out helpful application hints and find examples of CV and cover letters for your inspiration.

Unsolicited applications

Get started with your unsolicited job search. Find advice and tips on how to find and approach companies and how to write a good unsolicited application.

Get feedback on your CV and cover letter

Have someone look over your CV and cover letter and give you feedback. One of Djøf’s membership benefits is our application-review service.

Preparing for the interview and tests

Get ready for the job interview. Learn how to prepare yourself and get acquainted with personality- and skills tests.


You landed an interview. Your mission now is to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job.

Personality test, skills test, and case interview

In most cases, the hiring process includes testing. The most common types are personality tests, skills tests and case interviews. Read more about what each entails.

Case interview

Case interviews of one form or another have become a common tool used by consultancies and graduate programmes in their recruiting.

Free career counseling

As a member of Djøf, you have access to a free career counselling session with a qualified professional consultant who understands the Danish labour market. You will be given an individual targeted dialogue, which often results in new angles, inspiration, specific information and energy to develop your career. The counselling session is personal and can take place over the phone or via Zoom – it’s your choice.

Popular topics:

  • What employment options does my education give me in Denmark?
  • What is expected of me with regard to performance, responsibility, social competence?
  • How can I plan my career to improve my chances of advancement? How can I call attention to my qualifications/competences?
  • How do I become a manager?
  • What can I do to thrive in my work life?
  • How should I tackle the culture at my workplace (in relation to my immediate manager/a colleague)?
  • How do I change industries or job roles?
  • How do I achieve a good balance between work life and personal life?
  • Gaining an overview in a stressful situation – how do I avoid stress?

For more information or to book a counselling session:


Apply for graduate jobs

Apply for graduate jobs

If you have recently graduated or you are soon to be, you can apply for a graduate program. Learn how to find and apply for vacant graduate positions in Denmark.