

Djøf International Meetup

A meetup for international professionals with interesting talks and loads of chances to meet new like-minded people.

Dato og sted

18. september 2024
København K




0 kr.
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About the event

Djøf International Meetup is the place for you, as an international professional in Copenhagen, to gather with other professionals and exchange ideas, network and of course meet new people.

Our aim is to bring professionals together regularly and to offer a friendly environment to discuss career paths and professional life.

Each of our meetups features an engaging talk or workshop and also provides you with plenty of time to network.

Join us for a combination of learning and networking in a laid-back atmosphere.

More details about the event will come.

Save the date for the next 'Djøf International Meetup' the 27th of November 2024.

Pris og praktisk info

  • Pris
  • Ikke-medlemmer
    0 kr.
  • Medlemmer
    0 kr.
  • Arrangementets referencenr.
  • 40086
  • Frist
  • Tilmeldingsfrist
    16. september 2024 kl. 23:59
  • Yderligere info, kontakt
  • Lone Grevy

    Lone Grevy
    Netværkskoordinator i Djøf
    +45 33 95 99 10

    Ann Grøndahl Larsen

    Ann Grøndahl Larsen
    Chefkonsulent i Djøf

  • Facilitator
  • Martijn Koekkoek

    Martijn Koekkoek
    Founder of International LinkedIn Meetup CPH

  • Behandling af personoplysninger
  • Når du deltager i et arrangement hos Djøf, behandler vi nogle personoplysninger om dig. Du kan læse mere om Djøfs behandling af personoplysninger i vores privatlivspolitik.

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