

Election Night

IBP Union and Djøf invite all interested to follow the election during the night. We will live stream the election to be constantly updated. We will have activities during the evening which will be in English.


About the event

The long-awaited election for the Danish parliament is finally here and IBP Union wants to take the opportunity to celebrate the election night in collaboration with Djøf. The purpose is to engage students in current political agendas and what better way to do this than to follow the election of the Danish parliament for the next four years?

This is also an opportunity for international students to gain insight into Danish politics, as the event will be conducted in English (except for the live stream). We will follow the vote count throughout the evening, comment on exit polls, have quizzes about the Danish political landscape, and overall have a good time. Hopefully, this will contribute to informal discussions about the election among the participants.

The event is apolitical and supporters of all parties are welcome.

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