

The Future of IBP: Alumni Networking

IBP students and Alumni are invited to meet, build new relationships and maintain connections through a new networking forum.


Hvad handler arrangementet om?

The IBP Union and IBP master’s students have teamed up in an effort to rethink and revitalize our student-alumni network.

We want to invite IBP students and alumni alike to a night of networking, where we will discuss the current state of IBP graduates on the job market and pitch our idea of a more effective and inspiring alumni network.

This is a unique opportunity for current you to learn about the opportunities your degree has to offer, how you can tailor your education to better suit the direction you are hoping to go, learn tips and tricks from older students and graduates, and make career long connections. Similarly, alumni can meet with each other, reconnect, and scope out the current state of IBP. We promise it will be an evening you won't want to miss.

Hope to see you there!


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