

Should we risk it all on Green Growth?

Kritiske Politter invites you to a talk about evidence for Green Growth.


What is the event about?

What a summer we have had since last semester. Record-breaking temperature rises day after day, and in July, UN General Secretary António Guterres warned that “the era of global warming has ended” and “the era of global boiling has arrived.” In this heat, green growth often takes the stage in the climate policy and action debate.

However, we, students at the Economics Department at UCPH in Kritiske Politter, are quite puzzled as we, in our studies, haven’t seen convincing evidence that green growth is feasible at this stage. Therefore, we ask, should we risk it all on green growth?

We hope to get some valuable answers from two experts in this field (TBA) and ask them to guide us through the quality research on the theory and empirical evidence, both the research exploring possibilities for green growth and the research debunking decoupling, aka green growth. We expect that the seriousness of this question is enough to draw you in, but of course, there will be dinner on the house, so you have the energy to engage.

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