

Study trip to Copenhagen

Join this study trip for two exclusive events at two different consulting firms based in Copenhagen.


What is the event about?

On March 8th, you are invited to visit two consulting firms, Basico P/S and Bain & Company, in Copenhagen for two insightful and enlightening company visits. In addition to presenting the opportunities for graduates at each company, Basico and Bain & Company will each host either a case-solving session or a workshop.

The workshop at Bain is particularly relevant for the upcoming AEC course for students in their 8th semester, but the study trip is for all students in the cand.merc.IEC program.

Basico is a recognized consulting firm specializing in CFO services and other support functions critical for firms to function. Bain & Company is one of the most successful firms in management and strategy consulting.

The expenses for transportation and overnight accommodation will be covered. You just need to sign up.


Arrangementet har ikke flere afholdelser på nuværende tidspunkt

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